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Exit Lab Newsletter 2: Defining Our Active Network

At our Live Lab last month, we talked a lot about building an active network of people who are serious about bringing medical device, life sciences, and health tech innovations to life.

This month, we’ve spent time defining the segments of our active network so we can bring each group into the fold considering their needs and interests.

We’ll improve and condense the category names over the next couple of weeks, but in general, these are the parties that collectively contribute to pushing innovation forward in this space.

Founders, Teams, and Their Innovating Businesses: This group includes startup founders, entrepreneurial teams, and businesses focused on innovation within healthcare. Key roles targeted are C-suite, VPs, product managers, and sales and marketing professionals.

University Innovation, Tech Transfer, Institutional Research: We're engaging with academic leaders, university tech transfer offices, researchers, and their leading doctors and healthcare experts. Positions of focus include directors of technology transfer, university research coordinators, lead researchers in life sciences, or anyone involved in special programs or innovation advancement.

Industry Service Providers: This category encompasses a range of professionals such as intellectual property lawyers, regulatory consultants, recruitment specialists, and commercialization experts who play pivotal roles in navigating the complexities of the healthcare industry.

Corporate M&A, R&D, and Innovation Groups: We aim to connect with executives and managers in corporate development, research and development, and innovation departments of major healthcare corporations looking to acquire or partner with emerging tech enterprises.

Local, State, and Federal Ecosystem Builder Organizations: This includes policy makers, governmental agencies, and non-profits that support healthcare innovation through funding, regulation, and community building.

Buyers, Procurement, and Healthcare Administration Decision Makers: Targeting those in charge of procurement and administration within healthcare institutions, including hospital administrators and procurement managers, who make crucial decisions about which technologies to implement.

Angel Investors, Family Offices, and Institutional Investors: We are looking to draw in private and institutional investors interested in early to mid-stage investment opportunities in the healthcare tech field.

Sales, Marketing, and Customer Success Professionals in Healthcare/Med Device: This segment focuses on professionals who drive business growth and client engagement in the medical devices and healthcare sectors, including sales directors, marketing managers, and customer success specialists.

Healthcare Data and Intellectual Property Research Providers, Aggregators: This group is essential for those who manage and analyze healthcare data and intellectual property, crucial for driving innovation and strategic decisions.

Career Healthcare Professionals, Others Passionate About Healthcare Innovation: Including seasoned doctors, nurses, and other healthcare professionals who are deeply embedded in the practical aspects of healthcare and can provide valuable insights into the needs and opportunities in the industry.

This is obviously a lot of groups to pull together and add unique value for. But the way we see it, there is a central alignment - being serious about bringing healthcare innovations to market - that is our collective glue and north star. Very quickly we’ll learn about each group’s needs so we can add offerings catered to them, which then starts our network flywheel.

So I guess at scale our win is being an active network of active networks! With so many moving and dynamic pieces in this market, we see that’s what’s necessary right now to break the funding and commercialization stalemate that is limiting novel products from entering and thriving in our healthcare systems.

We are also developing a digital platform to provide a space for us to convene outside of our events. We anticipate that this platform will be ready by this fall.

Our primary ask right now: Please share this newsletter with anyone you think would be a great addition to the network!

Nursing-Led Innovation Deck and Presenter Details

Many thanks to our presenters, the UC team, and everyone who attended our first Live Lab on Nursing-led Innovation last month at the 1819 Innovation Center.

For those who couldn’t make it, check out some of the digital assets that came out of the event below.

Our next Live Lab will be on Healing and Wearables Devices in September. We will send a notification later this month with details on how to save the date and register with your specific network classification.

At the event, we'll facilitate easy identification of network segments to enhance connectivity among attendees with similar interests and needs.

If you are interested in helping us plan the next event, or to help build our active network, we would love your involvement! Please send an email to and we’ll get you plugged in with the advisory team.

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